############################ # my personal Aliases list # ############################ # **** DIRECTORY LISTING in human-readable units **** alias ll="ls -l --human-readable --almost-all --group-directories-first --classify" alias la="ls -l --human-readable --almost-all --group-directories-first" alias lr="ls -l --human-readable --almost-all --group-directories-first --recursive" alias l="" alias ..='cd ..;' alias .2='cd ../..;' alias ...="cd ../../../" alias .4='cd ../../../..;' alias .5='cd ../../../../..;' alias back="cd $OLDPWD" cdls() { builtin cd "$@" && ll; } cdl() { builtin cd "$@" && la; } # **** DISK partitions & mount points **** alias lsblkf="lsblk --fs --exclude 7" alias part="sudo parted --list" alias lsmount="mount | column --table" # **** DISK SPACE Usage in human-readable units, including filesystem type **** alias dfu="df --print-type --human-readable --all --total" alias dfh="df --human-readable --exclude=squashfs" # **** ALL FILES in a directory listed, according their size **** alias du="du --all --total --human-readable | sort --human-numeric-sort" # **** PROCESS LISTING table in detail **** alias psa="ps auxf" alias dmesg="dmesg --human" # **** How to really CLEAR the terminal **** alias clr='printf "33c"' alias h="history" # **** reload bash config **** alias reload="source ~/.bashrc" ============================================ bashrc - pimp the prompt. A separate part, not related to above Aliases ! ============================================ export HISTIGNORE='pwd:exit:fg:bg:top:clear:history:ls:uptime:df:ll:dfh:dfu:du:psa:dmesg:clr:h:cd' << 'Comment' # u = User # @ = @ # h = Host # w = working directory # $ = # for root (uid=0), or $ for user export THEIP="$(/sbin/ip a | grep "inet " | grep -v 127.0.0. | awk '{print $2}')" BRed='[33[31;1m]' BGreen='[33[32;1m]' BYellow='[33[33;1m]'a BCyan='[33[36;1m]' BWhite='[33[37;1m]' Reset='[33[0m]' UserPromptPS1='$' #export PS1="${BCyan}u${BWhite}@${BYellow}h${BWhite}(${BGreen}${THEIP}${BWhite})${BRed}:${BCyan}w${BRed}${UserPromptPS1}${Reset} " #export PS1="${BYellow}u${BWhite}@${BYellow}h${BWhite}${BRed}:${BCyan}w${BRed}n${UserPromptPS1}${Reset} " export PS1="${BYellow}u${BWhite}@${BYellow}h ${BCyan}(${BCyan}${THEIP}) ${BRed}:${BGreen}w${BRed}n${UserPromptPS1}${Reset} " Comment IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1;}' ) RED='33[0;31m' PLAIN='33[0m' # No Color WHITE='e[97m' GREEN='e[0;32m' PURPLE='e[35;35m' CYAN='e[36;36m' JAVA_VERSION=`java --version | head -1 | cut -f2 -d' '` # source /usr/share/doc/git-2.35.1/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh #PS1='! [['$GREEN']$(hostname -s) $IP['$PLAIN']] [['$CYAN']$(pwd -P)['$PLAIN']] $(__git_ps1 "[['$PURPLE'] %s['$PLAIN']]")[☕ '$JAVA_VERSION']n['$GREEN']$['$PLAIN'] ' PS1='! [['$CYAN']h $IP['$PLAIN']] [['$GREEN']w['$PLAIN']] $(__git_ps1 "[['$PURPLE'] %s['$PLAIN']]")n['$GREEN']$['$PLAIN'] '